Smoke Shop Glossary
10mm / 14mm / 18.8 (19mm): The three standard and most common glass joint sizes in the industry. It represents the diameter of the joint and can either be male or female grounded joint or fire polished.
- 10mm Joint : It requires a 10mm dome, bowl or nail for proper use.
- 14mm Joint : It requires a 14mm dome, bowl or nail for proper use.
- 18mm Joint : It requires a 18mm dome, bowl or nail for proper use.
- 45° Joint : A 45° joint gives creates a diagonal angle and different look while bringing the joint away from your bong or dab rig to limit heat stress and prevent fractures.
- 90° Joint : A 90° joint gives creates a diagonal angle and different look while bringing the joint away from your bong or dab rig to limit heat stress and prevent fractures.
- Adaptor : Small glass pieces that are used to change the size, angle, or gender of your water pipes joint so you can fit various different nails, ash catchers, and bowls.
- Adjustable Temperature : Vape pens temperatures can be adjusted to tailor to the user’s vaping session to their specific preferences.
- Aventurine : Colors used in a pipe or a spoon that sparkle.
- Air Tight : Usually referring to a storage container. You want to store your dry herbs in an airtight jar to prevent them from drying out.
- American Glass : This glass piece is certified to be hand blown in the USA. American glass has earned a reputation of being sturdy, reliable and well-made.
- Analog Vaporizer : This vaporizer has an analog interface for a user-friendly vaping experience. Most analog vaporizers container either a dial or a button to initiate and control vaporization.
- Angle Cut Dome : An angle-cut dome is a specific type of dome that features an angled design rather than a standard circular dome. This type of dome is hand blown in a way that gives it an angled top for a distinct appearance.
- Ash Catcher : A special attachment you can add to your bong or water pipe; it serves to catch ash before falling into the pipe and can also help cool and diffuse the smoke before it enters the pipe as well. Many ash catchers have a percolator in them to add extra diffusion as well.
- Atomizer : The heating element on a vaporizer that converts liquids to vapors so that they can be inhaled.
- Balloon Bag Vaporizer : A desktop vaporizer that delivers its vapor into a plastic bag that the user detaches and inhales. These vaporizers have internal fans that push vapor upward into the bag until it’s filled.
Banger : An apparatus typically used for dabbing and smoking herbs, plants and/or essential oils.
- Banger Hanger : A bent-neck device used to hang a banger quartz nail, thus named “banger hanger.” The device is used to prevent hot air from hitting your face, while also preventing heat stress to the vapor rig and joint.
- Banger Nail : A female joint designed to fit over the male joint on an oil rig. It features a curved glass tube that moves the heat from the torch away from the rig to prevent premature cracking and stress on the joint.
- Barrel Perc : A specific type of perc that has a barrel shape with slits to filter your smoke consistently.
- Basket Weave : A design pattern or scheme that mimics the natural patterns you find on a hand woven basket, often done on a colored tubing piece from the outside with a contrasting color.
- Bat : Otherwise known as a “one-hitter”; usually has the shape of a cigarette and are usually made from metal, glass or ceramic. They are often small and portable.
Beaker : Beaker style pipes generally have a wide circular main chamber to house a large amount of smoke.
- Beaker Base : Often more stable than a traditional straight tube due to their wider base and are also able to hold much more water than straight tube bongs.
- Bent Neck : This refers to the angle or arch of the bowl, downstem, or mouthpiece of a water pipe. This design offers different aesthetic and functional qualities - it extends the mouthpiece away from the heat source giving a more comfortable experience.
- Bistabil : Refers to joints that are 52% thicker than the regular standard joint (standard joint is 1.8mm thick while Bistabil is 2.8mm thick).
- Blown Glass : Refers to the art of shaping glass by blowing air through a hollow rod, air travels through the hollow rod with molten glass on the end blowing it larger.
- Bogart : A term used to describe someone who is taking too long to pass a joint or has taken more hits than is allowable.
- Bong : A large water pipe. The mouthpiece is typically a tube in which your lips go inside, rather than over like a bubbler or traditional pipe.
- Bore : The diameter of the tube used to make a water pipe, this is normally measured in millimeters (mm) and is used to describe how thick the glass is.
- Boro Head : A term used to describe someone who has immersed themselves in the current and upcoming techniques and fads in the glass industry.
- Borosilicate : A type of glass consisting of 5% boric oxide used to make glass pipes. It is durable, strong and resistant to extreme temperatures.
Bowl : The area or part of the pipe with a concave surface that curves inward, in which you place your dry herbs to be combusted and inhaled.
- Bowl Slide : This part acts as the “carb” so you can remove it from the water pipe and allow the air that has been built up in the chamber to flow freely.
- Branded Glass : Glass products that can include logos or decals that verify it as an official product of a specific brand.
- Bubbler : A hand pipe that uses a small amount of water and features a downstem that leads the smoke into the water for cooling prior to inhalation.
- Bulge : Refers to water pipes which have a thicker and large diameter where the percolator is positioned versus the rest of the water pipe. This larger area where the percolator is located is called the ‘bulge.’
- Bushing Diffuser : A glass on glass downstem which will work to reduce the normal joint size to a smaller joint size. It helps eliminate the bubble or space between male and female joints.
- Button Bowl : Features four holes in the center as opposed to just one like most regular bowls. It allows for increased airflow and acts almost like a built-in glass screen.
- Can Chamber : A water pipe that features a can shaped chamber; the cylindrical chamber resembles its name- a can.
Carb : A hole on the side of a pipe that regulates airflow.
- Carb Cap : A cap placed on top of a domeless nail or vapor dome for regulating airflow.
- Cashed : When a bowl burns away to nothing but ash.
- Chillum : A straight glass pipe that lacks a card and offers a similar experience of smoking a rolled substance, without the added flavors of tobacco leaves or paper.
- Circ Perc : A circular percolator that usually contains numerous rings with spacing between them.
- Clear Glass : Features sleek and clean glass that allows you to watch the water pipe function.
- Collab : A pipe designed and created by multiple artists.
- Colored Tubing : Refers to glass hollow tubing in any color, similar to a straw.
- Colored Glass : Features colored glass accents that give a unique and aesthetically pleasing appearance.
- Concentrate Recycler : Features a multiple chamber recycler design that causes vapor/smoke to loop in between the chambers before leaving the mouthpiece.
- Concentrate Rig : Also known as a “dab rig”, and usually set up with male joints and comes with a vapor dome and nail; user can smoke concentrates from this apparatus.
- Condenser Coil : When used in a bong it is a removable chamber with a coil tube inside and filled with freezable glycerin that is connected to the neck and the mouthpiece.
- Cone : Pre-rolled cone shaped papers. They usually have a filter made of thicker paper or other similar substance.
- Cotton Mouth : Post smoking condition in which the user’s mouth becomes very dry.
- Cross Perc : This percolator has an intricate design with a center that has multiple circle pieces branching out from it.
- Crowned : A style or pattern on a bowl or a mouthpiece that has marbles or little dots from color rods being fused in a continuing pattern around the perimeter or circumference.
- Crystal Ball Perc : Circular percs with angled slits intertwining across, making it look like a crystal ball.
Dab : A portion of concentrate to be vaporized for a hit.
- Dab Nail : Used to vaporize concentrates. It is heated with a torch and then the tab is placed on the surface. Usually made of glass, quartz, titanium and ceramic.
- Dab Rig : A bubbler apparatus designed for dabbing concentrates.
- Dabber : A tool used to scoop up concentrates.
- Deep Bowl : Allows for larger amounts of dry herbs to be packed at once.
- Desktop Vaporizer : A vaporizer designed for home use.
- Dewar’s Joint : A small glass tube that connects the joint to the chamber. Its purpose is to reinforce the strength of the joint and create additional support for the pipe.
- Dichroic Glass : Worked, colored glass with sparkles inside of it that are accentuated in certain lighting conditions.
- Diffused Downstem : A downstem with slits on the bottom that acts as a percolator to filter the smoke.
Diffuser : Part of many glass rigs and water pipes, diffusers add additional sites for the formation of bubbles as well as helping with airflow.
- Diffuser “Diamond Cut” : Has specific pattern of cuts where small slits are made at the very end of the downstem.
- Diffuser “Disc” : Usually used in stemless water pipes; once covered in water it forces the smoke through the small holes and slits crafted in the slits upon inhale.
- Diffuser “Showerhead” : Has a round ball or flanged cylinder with slits around the perimeter to diffuse the smoke; resembles a showerhead.
- Diffusion : When water travels through the percolator and begins to bubble, also known as “diffy.”
- Digital Vaporizer : Generally has a screen as a digital interface for an easier reading of temperature battery or other settings.
- Direct Draw Vaporizer : Allows vapor to flow straight from the device to the user.
- Direct Inject : Directly injects vapor from the joint into the chamber.
- Disc Perc : Circular percs which resemble a disc; usually have slits or holes around the outside for filtration and diffusion.
Dome : A glass piece that fits over the dab nail and traps the vapor so that it may freely flow through the joint of the bubbler.
- Dome Perc : Has slits and holes where the dome touches the bottom.
- Dome Splashguard : Domed piece of glass at the bottom of a straight neck that prevents water from splashing up.
- Domeless Nail : A nail with a hole in the center designed to direct airflow into the water pipe. It does not require the use of a vapor dome.
Donut Perc : Circular perc with a hole in the middle to provide extra filtering of the smoke and stops water from splashing up towards the mouthpiece.
- Donut Splashguard : Usually located between the chamber and the neck, is used to make sure water stays in the chamber.
- Downstem : A long, skinny tube in which the bowl slide will fit. It directs the smoke into the water pipe where it is filtered prior to inhalation.
- Drop Down : A glass accessory meant for dropping the slide or dome down away from the pipe and the user’s face.
Dry Herb Recycler : Features a multiple chamber recycler design that cases vapor/smoke and water to loop in between the chambers before leaving the mouthpiece.
- Dual Use Recycler : The same design as a Dry Herb Recycler, only this device can be used for concentrates as well.
- Dry Piece : Any smoking apparatus or device that does not use water filtration.
- Dugout : All-in-one apparatus that contains two small chambers; one for a bat and the other for dry herb.
- Enail : An electronic nail that heats via a ceramic or metal heating element. It is a device used to control the temperature of concentrates with either an analog or digital control dial, thus eliminating the need for a torch.
- Fab Egg : This piece has a faberge egg design with a hollow center and holes with functionality similar to that of a swiss perc.
- Female / Male : Types of joints. Female joints require a male dome, nail or bowl for proper use. Male joints require a female dome, nail or bowl for proper use.
- Filter / Screen : Either metal or glass inserts for a bowl that help keep fresh or ashed matter from falling into the pipe.
- Fixed Downstem : A glass tube that funnels smoke from the bowl towards the bottom of the bong.
- Fixed Temperature : A fixed temperature of a vaporizer that is kept optimal for the intended materials.
- Flared Mouthpiece : Have elevated glass around the mouthpiece which make it conform perfectly to your mouth for superior comfort and an airtight seal while smoking.
- Flowers : Refers to the material you put in your bowl to smoke.
- Frit Glass : A process of glass soldering using crushed glass or beads general fused to the inside of a glass pipe that forms a ceramic composition or granular effect.
- Fume : Gold or silver baked onto glass. The metal is heated in the torch until it combusts, creating a “fume” that is baked directly into the glass.
- Glass Blunt : A straight, hollow glass pipe that features a second, hollow straw-like tube for a mouthpiece.
- Glass on Glass : A glass pipe that uses ground glass joints to connect the pieces together.
- Glass Opals : Raised circles on glass that hold a detailed, colored glass design.
- Glow In The Dark : A piece that glows in the dark.
- Grinder : A tool used for grinding herbs so that the user may better smoke them. Typically made of wood, steel or plastic.
- Ground Joint : A glass connection piece made using a machine. Often used to connect a slide and a bong.
- Hammer : A style of pipe that resembles a hammer.
- Hand Pipe : A glass pipe small enough to fit in the user’s hand and does not use water filtration.
- Hand Spun : Glass that is made without the use of a lathe to assist with holding and spinning of the tube.
- Handworked Joint : A glass connection piece made from scratch and hand-spun.
- Headshop : Also known as a “smoke shop.” A retail outlet specializing in the sale of smoking equipment items.
- Heady : A term used to express something that is exhilarating, exciting, potent, etc.
- Heady Glass : A term used to describe glass products that are one-of-a-kind, high quality, limited edition, etc.
- Healthstone : A piece of lava rock/carbon filter that you can use to smoke concentrates that avoids using nails, vapor domes, or domeless nails.
- Hemp : A material produced from the stems and stalks of a commonly known herb/plant and used in the production of fabrics and rope.
- Herbal Vaporizer : An electronic device used to vaporize herbs or flowers.
- Honeycomb Perc : Type of disc percs that have more diffusion because they usually have at least 30 small holes through which the smoke must pass.
- Hourglass Chamber : The chambers indents in on each side giving these glass pieces a distinguishable hourglass shape.
- Ice Catcher : Usually in a pinched place in the neck of the pipe that allows the user to put ice cubes in.
- Ice Pinch : Located at the top of water pipes that allow users to add ice.
- Implosion : Glass blowing design achieved by pushing color inside of clear glass.
- Incycler : Similar to a recycler except the water is recycled inside the pipe rather than an external arm or chamber.
- Incline : Refers to a horizontal stem in the glass piece, this is in ash-catchers and water pipes and the stem usually has d-cuts or holes through the length of the stem.
- Inline Perc : Straight tubes consisting of slits or grids leading inside a perpendicular chamber.
- Inset Perc : Contained inside the chamber of a water pipe and are indented so that it created a pocket.
- J Hook Perc : Shaped like an upside-down J, usually connected to a different type of perc for an extreme combination of filters.
- Keck Clip : A plastic or metal clip, meant to hold ‘glass on glass’ pieces, or ground joints together so that they don’t come apart or break.
- Lathe Made : The process of crafting glass pipes by using a lathe and blowing through the lathe or the tube itself to create the shape of the piece.
- Latticino Glass : Also referred to as Zanfirico or Cane glass, which is a process in glass design by incorporating color threads. (similar to the sugarcane twist)
- Linework : Refers to the striped colored patterns incorporated into a glass pipe.
- Maria Rings : Circular protruding glass rings, usually found on the neck or below the mouthpiece of a water pipe.
- Matrix Perc : Cylindrical chamber with vertical and horizontal slits or grooves encompassing the outside of it.
- Micro / Mini / Nano : A small, portable water pipe, bubbler or concentrate rig.
- Millefiori / Milli : An Italian term meaning “a thousand flowers” and is used to describe mosaic glass objects. Often used in marble pieces attached to the pipe or rig.
- Mini-Tube : A miniature sized bong.
- Nail : The platform which users heat prior to placing down the concentrate. It can be made from titanium, quartz, glass or ceramic.
- Nectar Collector / Honey Straw : A hand pipe for concentrates that can be a dry or water piece depending on the model.
- Oil Pen : An electronic, portable, pen-shaped vaporizer for vaporizing oils.
- Oil Rig : Also referred to as a “dab rig”, used primarily for smoking concentrates, extracts or oils.
- One-Hitter : A slender, smaller pipe typically with a pinched, narrow bowl designed for a single inhalation or “one hit.”
- Onie : A small pipe without a carb. Usually shaped like a small cigar with a bowl at the end, also known as a “chillum.”
- Opal : A synthetic gemstone used in glass blowing that is often encased inside glass marbles.
- Pendant : A piece of glass art made to be worn on a necklace.
- Percolator : The filtration part of a bong or water pipe that makes the water bubble.
- Piece : A slang term used to refer to a hand pipe, water pipe, or piece of glass in general.
- Polished Joint : A water pipe joint that is polished unlike traditional sanded joints.
- Pollen Boxes / Pollen Catch : The screen at the bottom of a grinder that catches plant matter but allow the pollen to fall through.
- Pollen Press : Ranges from hand-sized to being large enough to place on a table, they are used to make compressed discs of herbs.
- Portable Vaporizer : A vaporized designed to be carried around.
- Pre-Cooler : Also used as an ash catcher, it’s an attachment added to water pipes or bongs for cooling fluid, gases or smoke.
- Puck Chamber : Features a unique chamber resembling a hockey puck. The flat, circular chamber provides a sturdy base.
- Punch : The hole in the bottom of a bowl/slide.
- Purple Slyme Glass : A specific type of colored glass that is highly sought after due to its unique and vibrant appearance.
- Pyrex Glass : A high-end branded glass company that manufactured borosilicate glass often used in water pipes and bongs.
- Quartz : A type of glass that can withstand extreme temperatures without cracking but is not as shock resistant as Pyrex.
- Ratchet Perc : Type of disc percs with holes lining the perimeter of the disc to increase filtration and the flow of smoke.
- Reclaim Catcher : Branch off the appropriately sized joint and contain a dish that connects to the bottom of a joint; it “reclaims” the substances by capturing them on the bottom part of the reclaimer.
- Recycler : Type of glass pipe that recycles water continuously through the pipe chambers and enhances the flow and filtration.
Removable Downstem : A glass tube that allows smoke to travel from the joint to the chamber of the pipe.
- Removable Mouthpiece : Allows for easy customization and easier cleaning.
- Reti Perc : Consists of two cylinders with a smaller one inside a larger one. Diffusion occurs when smoke passes through the slits of the cylinders.
- Reversal : A colorful design of striped colors sharply waving back and forth with a spiral on each end, also known as a “wig-wag.”
- Roller : A device used to roll dry herbs into a paper.
- Rolling Paper : Thin sheets of paper typically made from “rag fibers” such as hemp, flax, sisal or other non-wood plant fibers, on which users can place dried plants to roll and smoke.
- Sandblasting : A technique in which high-pressure air is mixed with sand and used to etch or engrave designs into glass. (same as frosted glass or frosted logo AKA etched logo and not decaled)
- Scientific Glass : Any smoking device made from borosilicate glass that uses water filtrations and has some sort of percolator.
- Sherlock : A hand pipe shaped like an old fashioned tobacco pipe. Usually shaped like an “S.”
- Showerhead Perc : These percs have a thin, vertical tube that widens into a round chamber. They have slits or holes for increased filtration and diffusion.
- Sidecar : Refers to the arm of a bubbler, water pipe or oil rig that comes off the side and up at an angle to the user’s mouth.
- Silicone Rig : Dab or oil rigs which are made of silicone.
- Slide : Also referred to as a “bong bowl”, a type of removable bowl that is separate from the main pipe.
- Snorkel : This oil rig features a snorkel design that uses a standard nail but no dome, instead there is a curved glass piece that resides above the nail.
- Soft Glass : Thicker than typical glass, it is ideal and sturdy for everyday or casual use.
- Splashguard : A dome shaped chamber that prevents water from splashing upward into the user’s mouth.
- Spoon Pipe : A style of pipe named for its resemblance to a spoon.
- Sprinkler Perc : A circular perc featuring multiple tubes branching out in all directions.
- Steamroller : A dry piece that can vary in length, is the shape of a long, straight, cylinder tube, and has holes on both ends.
- Stemless : Refers to water pipes which have no removable downstem, it instead has an attached glass stem that goes down vertically, then connects to the water pipe leading to the water chamber.
- Stemline Perc : A type of inline percolator that branches straight off of the joint.
- Stereo Matrix Perc : Consists of two smaller matrix percolators stacked on top of each other.
- Straight Neck : These designs involve a neck branching vertically up into the mouthpiece from the chamber. They allow smoke or vapor to travel directly up the mouthpiece.
- Straight Tube : A completely straight water pipe.
- Swiss Perc : A vertical diffusion system with holes on a large disc; the percolator slightly resembles swiss cheese.
- Terpene : Terpenes are a large and diverse class of organic compounds, produced by a variety of plants, such as cannabis. Often used for flavoring or added scent.
- Themed Glass : A glass piece containing a themed design.
- Thick Glass : A glass piece with much thicker glass, which increases its durability and longevity.
- Tips : A glass or paper insert for rolling that is used to keep the mouthpiece from collapsing and keeps dry matter from escaping the roll.
- Tongue Perc : Resembles a tongue and its unique design has slits and holes to rigorously diffuse and filter smoke and vapor.
- Tree Perc : These devices feature tree-like arms of glass tubes that sit inside the water of the piece.
- Tube : Slang term for water pipe.
- Turbine Perc : A type of diffusion system consisting of a solid disc of angled slits placed inside the water chamber.
- UFO Perc : Feature a rounded top with a glass circle base. They have a series of slits around the circumference of the glass circle.
- Vape Pen : Slim, portable vaporizers that look similar to a cigarette. Most are used for concentrates, but some are compatible with dry herbs.
- Vapor Dome : The slip placed over the nail before the dab is placed on the center. The dome directs the airflow down the pipe.
- Vapor Rig : A bubbler set-up for dabbing oils that typically feature a dome, dab nail, and male joint.
- Vapor Stone : The stone takes the place of a standard joint and sucks all the vapor into the metal stone, ensuring it all goes into the rig.
- Waffle Perc : Similar to disc percs except they have holes rather than slits. Their appearance is similar to that of a waffle fry.
- Water Pipe : A pipe that features a percolator and uses water, may also be used to describe a bubbler or bong.
Whip : The hose or mouth piece that may lead from a water pipe and feed the smoke out to be inhaled.
- Whip Vaporizer : A desktop vaporizer that delivers vapor through a tube called a whip.
- Wig-Wag : A color scheme, or a line pattern that consists of reversed images on or along the pipe.
- Worked : A generic term used to describe an area of work on a piece that stands out.